CANPAYBILLS INC, the authorized bayad center for SSS contribution and loan payments conducted an Information Clinic at Emma's Kitchen, in Milton last May 18, 2024, and at the FILCAN OPEN HOUSE at St. Catharines last May 19 2024. "The event was successful and went smoothly as kababayans came to update their SSS records. We're glad that we made SSS closer to our kababayans" acclaimed by Mon Solis, Founder and Bills Payment Specialist of CANPAYBILLS INC.

Kababayans inquiring on SSS records, at Emma's Kitchen last May 18 2024 in Milton Ontario. A total of 19 SSS members were able to get updates on their records.

Emma Dizon, Owner and Chef of Emma's Kitchen, together with Laila Harrow of SSS last May 18 2024.

Kababayans updating their SSS account at the FCAN Open House last May 19 2024, at St. Catharines, Ontario. A total of 21 SSS members were able to get updates on their records.